Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Book

For the second selection of Guys Who Read, I have selected something a little more contemporary, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon, a Pulitzer Prize winner. I struggled with the task selecting a follow up to All the Pretty Horses it seems that the majority of novels that are not required reading for high school are either detective novels or westerns. Following a western with a western seemed like a good way to narrowly define our blog. Additionally, following detective Virgil Flowers for 200 plus pages does not interest me, my apologies to John Sandford. That being said there was a limited selection to choose from and at this point I felt that biographies and auto-biographieswere not an option. My wife helped narrow my selection by suggesting Michael Chabon and after having discovered that he was the author of Woderboys, a movie I enjoy and reccomend, I looked closer at his novels. At this point I need to point out that all books are better than their movie counterpart. Not being too sure of what to expect from Chabon, I had to discount the detective themed Yiddish Policeman's Union and I choose The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. 
The story of two young men creating comics interested me right away. I must admit that as a young boy I collected comic books and still to this day have a kept a few comics of those comics, first issues and anniversary editions etc. With New York City and WWII as the background to the boys adventures it promises to be a good story. Enjoy.


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